Does any recognise this Rye Pottery bowl ? Please

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Does any recognise this Rye Pottery bowl ? Please  Empty Does any recognise this Rye Pottery bowl ? Please

Post by rousky June 9th 2022, 5:48 pm

Hi does anyone know who made this rather super rye pottery bowl ?
It does have a little mark as well as the traditional one but I can’t make it out :)Does any recognise this Rye Pottery bowl ? Please  D9ab6810
Does any recognise this Rye Pottery bowl ? Please  176bc810
Does any recognise this Rye Pottery bowl ? Please  D5f58610

Male Number of posts : 46
Age : 58
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Does any recognise this Rye Pottery bowl ? Please  Empty Re: Does any recognise this Rye Pottery bowl ? Please

Post by 22 Crawford St. June 9th 2022, 6:55 pm

A list of the commonly found thrower's marks impressed on Rye Pottery from 1947. The practice seems to have stopped by the early 1960s.

D - David Sharp

DDD - Dennis Townsend

DL - David Smeed

J - Jimmy Elliott

P - Pam Goddard

S - Stephen Russell

V - Wally (Vivian) Cole
22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

Male Number of posts : 5611
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Does any recognise this Rye Pottery bowl ? Please  Empty Re: Does any recognise this Rye Pottery bowl ? Please

Post by studio-pots June 9th 2022, 8:26 pm

The decoration pattern looks to be the one known as "Tracery".

The impressed marks were generally used to recognise, which apprentice had made the item and in this case, as Crawford has shown you, it was David Sharp.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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