Date and artist information on this small Villeroy & Boch vase. Studio?

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Date and artist information on this small Villeroy & Boch vase. Studio? Empty Date and artist information on this small Villeroy & Boch vase. Studio?

Post by rattle624 May 27th 2022, 12:11 pm

Hi all. I just purchased this small Villeroy & Boch smoky blue vase. I was wondering if anyone here could provide me with more information on it? It has a small foil sticker still on it. Italic Villeroy & Boch Mettlach impressed mark on the base. Etched R 3. 1970's? Studio piece? if so, artist? Thank you
Date and artist information on this small Villeroy & Boch vase. Studio? Img_9419
Date and artist information on this small Villeroy & Boch vase. Studio? Img_9420

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Location : Spain
Registration date : 2017-12-15

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