Oxblood vase, bird and WR mark

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Oxblood vase, bird and WR mark Empty Oxblood vase, bird and WR mark

Post by Ennael May 12th 2022, 8:03 pm


I purchased this vase with a lovely oxblood glaze. It seems to have initials (UP?) and a mark that looks either like two hands or two doves.
It is made from light grey clay, 18 cm. high.
Would love to know a maker! Thanks :)

Oxblood vase, bird and WR mark Oxbloo11
Oxblood vase, bird and WR mark Oxbloo12
Oxblood vase, bird and WR mark Oxbloo10

Number of posts : 1
Location : Netherlands
Registration date : 2022-05-12

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Oxblood vase, bird and WR mark Empty Re: Oxblood vase, bird and WR mark

Post by NaomiM May 12th 2022, 10:27 pm

A lovely pot. I hope someone recognises the mark

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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