Japanese fish wall pocket figurine, marked

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Japanese fish wall pocket figurine, marked Empty Japanese fish wall pocket figurine, marked

Post by benwilliams May 4th 2022, 11:14 am

Japanese fish wall pocket figurine, marked.
Can sit flat or on wall as a vase.
I think it’s Japanese - and carps and cherry blossom are auspicious in Japan.
I think it’s probably moulded and hand painted. Stoneware I think.
I ve not found anything quite like this online. Any idea on a date or even what the pottery type is called?
Japanese fish wall pocket figurine, marked B1743e10
Japanese fish wall pocket figurine, marked F30c7d10
Japanese fish wall pocket figurine, marked 5f2f0810

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Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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