Studio footed bowl, incised decoration, Mary Gibson-Horrocks?

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Studio footed bowl, incised decoration, Mary Gibson-Horrocks?  Empty Studio footed bowl, incised decoration, Mary Gibson-Horrocks?

Post by benwilliams March 21st 2022, 3:49 pm

Studio footed bowl, incised decoration, Mary Gibson-Horrocks?
It is similar in body, glaze and decoration & similar foot, to the one we thought could be by her - that was marked. No mark on this. Maybe no room to mark it - bowl is pretty small. Certainly looks to me likely to be same maker. Bought locally, 10 miles from Buckfast Abbey.
Studio footed bowl, incised decoration, Mary Gibson-Horrocks?  68c28310
Studio footed bowl, incised decoration, Mary Gibson-Horrocks?  E2bf7f10
Studio footed bowl, incised decoration, Mary Gibson-Horrocks?  C4da6310


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Studio footed bowl, incised decoration, Mary Gibson-Horrocks?  Empty Re: Studio footed bowl, incised decoration, Mary Gibson-Horrocks?

Post by NaomiM March 21st 2022, 5:42 pm

I'm guessing you're comparing it to this one. Tbh, I've not seen anything in this style by her so I think it's unlikely either of them are by her.

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Studio footed bowl, incised decoration, Mary Gibson-Horrocks?  Empty Re: Studio footed bowl, incised decoration, Mary Gibson-Horrocks?

Post by NaomiM March 25th 2022, 2:28 pm

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32459
Location : Hampshire
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Studio footed bowl, incised decoration, Mary Gibson-Horrocks?  Empty Re: Studio footed bowl, incised decoration, Mary Gibson-Horrocks?

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