Please Help Identify Large Pottery Tankard

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Please Help Identify Large Pottery Tankard Empty Please Help Identify Large Pottery Tankard

Post by Gary6563 March 10th 2022, 7:41 pm

Can anyone help identify who made this large chunky tankard,, it has incised decoration all around, it measures 6 inches high, the name on the but either reads Gini or giDi ???

Please Help Identify Large Pottery Tankard 00119
Please Help Identify Large Pottery Tankard 00221
Please Help Identify Large Pottery Tankard 00320
Please Help Identify Large Pottery Tankard 00418
Please Help Identify Large Pottery Tankard 00615
Please Help Identify Large Pottery Tankard 00711

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Please Help Identify Large Pottery Tankard Empty Re: Please Help Identify Large Pottery Tankard

Post by NaomiM March 14th 2022, 11:31 am

Nice decoration. Slab built. If it’s British then the method of signing and construction point to it being by a hobby potter, but it’s possible it’s from abroad, eg, the US or Australian, where this style is more common.

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