Help to identify tureen no. 3655 with deer, boar and fox

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Help to identify tureen no. 3655 with deer, boar and fox Empty Help to identify tureen no. 3655 with deer, boar and fox

Post by OsloPottery February 13th 2022, 11:37 am

Hi everyone.  I recently acquired a turneen with a distinctive mottled glaze and animal motifs.  The main body includes moose and wild boars.  The lid has a fox on top.  The piece is marked on the bottom with what looks like an S inside a vase shape and the number 3655.  I would be grateful for information on the maker and date if anyone is able to identify the marks.  Thanks.
Help to identify tureen no. 3655 with deer, boar and fox Screen14
Help to identify tureen no. 3655 with deer, boar and fox Screen13
Help to identify tureen no. 3655 with deer, boar and fox Screen15

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Help to identify tureen no. 3655 with deer, boar and fox Empty Re: Help to identify tureen no. 3655 with deer, boar and fox

Post by benwilliams February 13th 2022, 11:45 am

Wow, that is amazing.
My guess is French but I may well be wrong.

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Help to identify tureen no. 3655 with deer, boar and fox Empty Re: Help to identify tureen no. 3655 with deer, boar and fox

Post by NaomiM February 13th 2022, 2:08 pm

I think it's a stag and deer rather than a moose. I would guess German or Austrian

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Help to identify tureen no. 3655 with deer, boar and fox Empty Re: Help to identify tureen no. 3655 with deer, boar and fox

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