Vase with gold coloured glaze, DS mark, Cyprus?

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Vase with gold coloured glaze, DS mark, Cyprus?  Empty Vase with gold coloured glaze, DS mark, Cyprus?

Post by NaomiM February 9th 2022, 2:05 am

Odd vase. Thrown and altered. Carved sides and foot. DS mark? Has a dusky matt gold surface glaze which I’ve not seen before. Brown glaze inside. I’m wondering if it’s from somewhere like Cyprus

Vase with gold coloured glaze, DS mark, Cyprus?  00602310

Vase with gold coloured glaze, DS mark, Cyprus?  Ac0aac10

Vase with gold coloured glaze, DS mark, Cyprus?  01b61810 Vase with gold coloured glaze, DS mark, Cyprus?  741aca10 Vase with gold coloured glaze, DS mark, Cyprus?  7e1e6f10

Last edited by NaomiM on March 14th 2022, 4:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Vase with gold coloured glaze, DS mark, Cyprus?  Empty Re: Vase with gold coloured glaze, DS mark, Cyprus?

Post by benwilliams February 9th 2022, 7:00 am

Attractive piece.
Doesn’t look British but maybe I’m not up with recent ceramics.

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Vase with gold coloured glaze, DS mark, Cyprus?  Empty Re: Vase with gold coloured glaze, DS mark, Cyprus?

Post by NaomiM February 9th 2022, 11:15 am

It doesn’t look British to me either but I’ve not seen anything like it before. Very odd colour

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32206
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Vase with gold coloured glaze, DS mark, Cyprus?  Empty Re: Vase with gold coloured glaze, DS mark, Cyprus?

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