Two tall floral vases, Barbotine decoration, Benthall Pottery?

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Two tall floral vases, Barbotine decoration, Benthall Pottery? Empty Two tall floral vases, Barbotine decoration, Benthall Pottery?

Post by SpoonLicker January 30th 2022, 10:32 am

I know nothing about these vases other than they piqued my curiosity.
I think they're related rather than a pair. They're about 27cm tall.

Two tall floral vases, Barbotine decoration, Benthall Pottery? Img_2241
Two tall floral vases, Barbotine decoration, Benthall Pottery? Img_2242
Two tall floral vases, Barbotine decoration, Benthall Pottery? Img_2245
Two tall floral vases, Barbotine decoration, Benthall Pottery? Img_2244
Two tall floral vases, Barbotine decoration, Benthall Pottery? Img_2243

Number of posts : 391
Location : Uk
Registration date : 2017-01-30

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Two tall floral vases, Barbotine decoration, Benthall Pottery? Empty Re: Two tall floral vases, Barbotine decoration, Benthall Pottery?

Post by denbydump January 30th 2022, 2:00 pm

Probably Continental "Barbotine" ware.

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Two tall floral vases, Barbotine decoration, Benthall Pottery? Empty Re: Two tall floral vases, Barbotine decoration, Benthall Pottery?

Post by SpoonLicker January 31st 2022, 12:50 pm

Thanks DD. I've googled that and am now wondering if they're by Benthall Pottery.

Number of posts : 391
Location : Uk
Registration date : 2017-01-30

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Two tall floral vases, Barbotine decoration, Benthall Pottery? Empty Re: Two tall floral vases, Barbotine decoration, Benthall Pottery?

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