Is this genuine Mdina?

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Is this genuine Mdina? Empty Is this genuine Mdina?

Post by SUNFLOWER77 January 7th 2022, 10:50 pm

I acquired this piece but it is either sandblasted or acid etched finish. It is unlike any of my other Mdina items, which have the usual high gloss glass finish. It is marked etched "Mdina 1000".Is this genuine Mdina? 20220114
Is this genuine Mdina? 20220113
Is this genuine Mdina? 20220115

Female Number of posts : 2
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2019-01-20

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Is this genuine Mdina? Empty Re: Is this genuine Mdina?

Post by denbydump January 8th 2022, 9:41 am

Unusual piece, I would have no reason to say it's not Mdina.
They used all sorts of techniques.

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Is this genuine Mdina? Empty Re: Is this genuine Mdina?

Post by philpot January 8th 2022, 10:45 am

Agreed, it is a very unusual piece. But I cannot see anything wrong with that signature. What is that below the Mdina signature? A date? Mdina did a vast range of tourist work though, and for that reason you can pick it up a lot of it fairly cheaply.
        Do you think this one is by someone special?

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Is this genuine Mdina? Empty Re: Is this genuine Mdina?

Post by SUNFLOWER77 January 8th 2022, 12:04 pm

The mark is Mdina 1000, so maybe reference to a "type" of finish? I have quite a few Mdina pieces but this whilst not the most attractive is different. Could it be something that didn't turn out too well and they didn't continue;:could it be a limited run so 1000 being the number? I'd be interested to know further. There are also holes and divits on the outside, like bubbles popped. Maybe experimental piece?

Female Number of posts : 2
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2019-01-20

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Is this genuine Mdina? Empty Re: Is this genuine Mdina?

Post by Jeffingtons January 12th 2022, 12:25 am

There is a Facebook group for Mdina and mdg glass which has Mdina artists as members. They will be able to explain what the 1000 means in sure

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Is this genuine Mdina? Empty Re: Is this genuine Mdina?

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