Think Studio Pottery Bowl With Gold Flake Glaze signed TT

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Think Studio Pottery Bowl With Gold Flake Glaze signed TT Empty Think Studio Pottery Bowl With Gold Flake Glaze signed TT

Post by moschino69 December 30th 2021, 9:03 am

Very beautiful large bowl with a high gloss glaze that has lots of gold flecks in it that are hard to see in the photos.  The bottom is signed "TT" but I've been unable to identify it.  Any ideas?Think Studio Pottery Bowl With Gold Flake Glaze signed TT Cdb35210
Think Studio Pottery Bowl With Gold Flake Glaze signed TT 5dc83210
Think Studio Pottery Bowl With Gold Flake Glaze signed TT C3343710

Number of posts : 21
Location : San Diego, CA
Registration date : 2018-09-25

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