Studio Pottery Lamp Base - Sgraffito Shield? Fish Poole? Maker please?

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Studio Pottery Lamp Base - Sgraffito Shield? Fish Poole? Maker please? Empty Studio Pottery Lamp Base - Sgraffito Shield? Fish Poole? Maker please?

Post by ClaraIreland2 December 28th 2021, 1:59 pm

Hello and thanks for looking. This has a 1960s feel in my opinion. There are no marks on the base so it is a bit of a mystery. The interior has a chalky feel. Can anyone identify the maker please. I thought it had influences of Guy Sydenham with the shield look but maybe a fish. many thanks

Studio Pottery Lamp Base - Sgraffito Shield? Fish Poole? Maker please? Dscn8617
Studio Pottery Lamp Base - Sgraffito Shield? Fish Poole? Maker please? Dscn8616

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Studio Pottery Lamp Base - Sgraffito Shield? Fish Poole? Maker please? Empty Re: Studio Pottery Lamp Base - Sgraffito Shield? Fish Poole? Maker please?

Post by studio-pots December 28th 2021, 2:38 pm

It looks similar and of a similar earthenware material to the lamp bases being produced by the potteries in Rye in the late 1950s/1960s.

The colour palette of just green isn't typical but it could have been an experimental/trail piece from there or a pottery elsewhere making similar items.

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Studio Pottery Lamp Base - Sgraffito Shield? Fish Poole? Maker please? Empty Re: Studio Pottery Lamp Base - Sgraffito Shield? Fish Poole? Maker please?

Post by denbydump December 28th 2021, 2:39 pm

It may be one of the Isle of Wight potters.
I have several, though this is rather plain and in only one colour.

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Studio Pottery Lamp Base - Sgraffito Shield? Fish Poole? Maker please? Empty Re: Studio Pottery Lamp Base - Sgraffito Shield? Fish Poole? Maker please?

Post by dantheman December 28th 2021, 4:56 pm

I agree, it looks like Isle of Wight

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Studio Pottery Lamp Base - Sgraffito Shield? Fish Poole? Maker please? Empty Re: Studio Pottery Lamp Base - Sgraffito Shield? Fish Poole? Maker please?

Post by Potty December 28th 2021, 5:42 pm

I think it's unlikely to be IoW, a clearer picture of the base would help a lot.

My best guess would have been Cinque Ports Pottery (Rye).

lozzy68 wrote:I Had A Feeling It Wasn't A gnome As Studio-Pots Said There Is No Hat On Him
NaomiM wrote:I'm watching other Willies, so maybe I'll get one at some point.
studio-pots wrote:I know my raku Happy

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Studio Pottery Lamp Base - Sgraffito Shield? Fish Poole? Maker please? Empty Re: Studio Pottery Lamp Base - Sgraffito Shield? Fish Poole? Maker please?

Post by denbydump December 28th 2021, 9:12 pm

The Don Beckley ones are more restrained, though the one I had to hand
had a smaller hole in the base, leaving room for a "split" mark on either side.

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Studio Pottery Lamp Base - Sgraffito Shield? Fish Poole? Maker please? Empty Re: Studio Pottery Lamp Base - Sgraffito Shield? Fish Poole? Maker please?

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