Malcolm Twinn, Carisbrooke Pottery, Isle of Wight

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Malcolm Twinn, Carisbrooke Pottery, Isle of Wight  Empty Malcolm Twinn, Carisbrooke Pottery, Isle of Wight

Post by NaomiM December 15th 2021, 8:46 pm

Carisbrooke Pottery by Malcolm Twinn (now deceased).
1960s or 70s?

Malcolm Twinn, Carisbrooke Pottery, Isle of Wight  Carisb12

Malcolm Twinn, Carisbrooke Pottery, Isle of Wight  Carisb11

Malcolm Twinn, Carisbrooke Pottery, Isle of Wight  Carisb10

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Malcolm Twinn, Carisbrooke Pottery, Isle of Wight  Empty Re: Malcolm Twinn, Carisbrooke Pottery, Isle of Wight

Post by hercules brabazon January 4th 2022, 11:30 am

Carisbrooke mug, with a more elaborate mark: the MT monogram within a (sort of) castle.  

Malcolm Twinn, Carisbrooke Pottery, Isle of Wight  Carisb13

Malcolm Twinn, Carisbrooke Pottery, Isle of Wight  Carisb11

Malcolm Twinn, Carisbrooke Pottery, Isle of Wight  Carisb10
hercules brabazon
hercules brabazon

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