Tall vase, BC mark - Bernard Charles?

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Tall vase, BC mark - Bernard Charles? Empty Re: Tall vase, BC mark - Bernard Charles?

Post by NaomiM January 11th 2020, 12:12 am

Tall vase, BC mark - Bernard Charles? 18502f10

Tall vase, BC mark - Bernard Charles? 330e6310
Tall vase, BC mark - Bernard Charles? A5e11810

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Tall vase, BC mark - Bernard Charles? Empty Tall vase, BC mark - Bernard Charles?

Post by studio-pots January 12th 2020, 1:13 pm

Personally, I don't feel 100% certain that the stoneware vase above is by him. It could be from the pre-retirement period when he was teaching/lecturing at such places like the Poole School of Art but the mark isn't like that used after retirement. I am not saying it isn't by him but from my point of view would want the opinion from someone, who know his work from the 1960s/70s, before being convinced.

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