Sun motif chargers or plates

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Sun motif chargers or plates Empty Sun motif chargers or plates

Post by ml83 December 3rd 2021, 7:21 pm

They are made of heavy glass, the say Collecion Ignea on the bottom... I would love to know what they are and what they are worth...

Number of posts : 3
Location : Jacksonville, FL
Registration date : 2021-11-27

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Sun motif chargers or plates Empty Re: Sun motif chargers or plates

Post by ml83 December 3rd 2021, 7:22 pm

Sun motif chargers or plates 20211113
Sun motif chargers or plates 20211115
Sun motif chargers or plates 20211114

Number of posts : 3
Location : Jacksonville, FL
Registration date : 2021-11-27

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