19th century Portrait miniatures on ivory

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19th century Portrait miniatures on ivory Empty 19th century Portrait miniatures on ivory

Post by rabbit82 December 3rd 2021, 1:29 am

Hello members
I have posted these miniatures from my collection (have about 30)
May be husband and wife or brother and sister.
Interesting that she has his miniature hanging around her neck in the painting.
very rare for them still to be together after such a long time(painted around 1830-40) not signed may be by William Egley 1798-1870 English,or William Ross 1795-1860.
Also English. They were both the few artists that painted dogs (manly spaniels in there paintings)
19th century Portrait miniatures on ivory RlDBifp
19th century Portrait miniatures on ivory ECF5yeJ
19th century Portrait miniatures on ivory Axr0Z9L

Regards rabbit.

Number of posts : 31
Location : Australia
Registration date : 2020-05-13

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19th century Portrait miniatures on ivory Empty Re: 19th century Portrait miniatures on ivory

Post by NaomiM December 6th 2021, 12:02 pm

As these ivory items are pre-1940s they are OK at this time. Comments moved to Review for discussion on the subject of ivory with fellow Mods.
As far as I’m aware we don’t allow posts of post-1940s ivory

Last edited by NaomiM on December 6th 2021, 12:22 pm; edited 3 times in total

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19th century Portrait miniatures on ivory Empty Re: 19th century Portrait miniatures on ivory

Post by croker December 6th 2021, 12:15 pm

Hi Naomin, Am i to understand that objects from any period are now permissible on the forum , i thought the whole idea of the forum was for mainly modern or 20th century objects.

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19th century Portrait miniatures on ivory Empty Re: 19th century Portrait miniatures on ivory

Post by NaomiM December 6th 2021, 12:18 pm

Sorry, I was in the process of  editing my comment above while you were posting. Since we are now in the 21st Century we have broadened the remit of the forum to include Antique and modern items. Sometimes items turn out to be antique and are useful for reference so by default pre-20thC items are on the Forum.

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19th century Portrait miniatures on ivory Empty Re: 19th century Portrait miniatures on ivory

Post by rabbit82 December 7th 2021, 2:41 am

Hello Naomi
Thanks for your comments.
I am sorry if I posted my earlier miniatures (1830-40) incorrectly on this forum.
I purchase my miniatures for their artistic merit ,not for their ivory content ,(most people would not know they are on ivory)
As I stated previously these were done in a different time,before there were the issues with the elephants.

I am not sure why most post has turned into an ivory discussion ,and not an art discussion.

Regards rabbit.

Number of posts : 31
Location : Australia
Registration date : 2020-05-13

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