Blue and White Pitcher

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Blue and White Pitcher Empty Blue and White Pitcher

Post by Yelena November 27th 2021, 1:44 am

Good day to everyone. Puzzled about maker and date of this very damaged pitcher I picked up in an estate sale in Florida years ago. It is unmarked. Design is unusual. In my humble opinion it is certainly not an Asian transfer. Maybe some parts of decoration on the handle and the rim could point to origin of the piece? Circa?

If sizes are important for recognition, I will measure. Any hints will appreciate greatly.

Blue and White Pitcher Bw-pit10

Blue and White Pitcher Bw-pit11

Number of posts : 42
Location : USA
Registration date : 2021-11-16

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Blue and White Pitcher Empty Re: Blue and White Pitcher

Post by NaomiM November 30th 2021, 8:12 pm

I cant tell if it's tin glazed earthenware (maybe pearlware), or porcelain, or white stoneware. If it's porcelain then it might be French

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Blue and White Pitcher Empty Re: Blue and White Pitcher

Post by Yelena November 30th 2021, 8:31 pm

I'm not very savvy about specifics. Isn't porcelain has a specific sound when knock on it? This pitcher doesn't have it. Will educate myself on difference between an earthenware and a white stoneware, and will give more educated guess later here.

Number of posts : 42
Location : USA
Registration date : 2021-11-16

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Blue and White Pitcher Empty Re: Blue and White Pitcher

Post by NaomiM November 30th 2021, 9:35 pm

If it’s porcelain then you should be able to see light through it. If it’s tin glazed earthenware then it should have a different coloured clay inside; I don’t know if you can see it where it’s damaged. If it’s stoneware (one of the early forms of porcelain) then it may have impurities, like black specks, in the clay

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32670
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Blue and White Pitcher Empty Re: Blue and White Pitcher

Post by denbydump November 30th 2021, 10:10 pm

I would say the style is Aesthetic movement. c1875-80.

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Blue and White Pitcher Empty Re: Blue and White Pitcher

Post by Yelena December 2nd 2021, 9:26 am

Good day to everyone. Sorry for the late reply. I believe the pitcher is an earthenware. I could not see through the clay, so, it is not a porcelain, and there is none of any sand or other particles in the clay in the damaged part of it, so, it is not a stoneware. Clay color is different from the glazed surface, more beige tented color.

Thank you for the hint on the style and period. Will look.

Number of posts : 42
Location : USA
Registration date : 2021-11-16

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