Can anyone help me with the maker?

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Can anyone help me with the maker? Empty Can anyone help me with the maker?

Post by Art Lover November 21st 2021, 1:54 pm

Found at my local thrift store recently.  At first I thought that it was production pottery until I saw the throw lines on the inside.  Stands about 8" high.  Can anyone help me with the maker? Img_2025
Can anyone help me with the maker? Img_2026
Can anyone help me with the maker? Img_2027
Can anyone recognize the signature?  Thank you so much and Happy Holidays!Can anyone help me with the maker? Img_2028
Can anyone help me with the maker? Img_2028
Art Lover
Art Lover

Male Number of posts : 68
Age : 71
Location : Dunedin Fl.
Registration date : 2011-01-23

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