Jaap Klein-Velderman

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Jaap Klein-Velderman  Empty Jaap Klein-Velderman

Post by NaomiM November 19th 2021, 1:35 pm

Sharing this from another forum. The owner would like to know more about Jaap Klein-Velderman, La Concha Little, Cranmore Lane, West Horsley, Leatherhead, Surrey, who passed away in Feb 2020, but this is the only piece we've come across. It doesn't appear to be marked so it's very possible there are others of his on this forum which simply haven't been identified. His entry in the Marks book just mentions sculpture.

Jaap Klein-Velderman  Jaap_k13

Jaap Klein-Velderman  Jaap_k14

Jaap Klein-Velderman  Jaap_k15

Jaap Klein-Velderman  Jaap_k16

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32302
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15


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