Small vase seen in charity shop

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Small vase seen in charity shop Empty Small vase seen in charity shop

Post by Rossie64 November 18th 2021, 9:34 am

Small vase seen in charity shop 1ad5d610Saw this piece of studio yesterday. Not sure of the mark on the base. I thought perhaps Margaret Leach while she was at Taena Pottery which would make sense as I’m not that far from Gloucester. Any ideas?

Female Number of posts : 4
Location : Worcester
Registration date : 2021-11-18

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Small vase seen in charity shop Empty Re: Small vase seen in charity shop

Post by philpot November 18th 2021, 9:55 am

Is it a goblet? It might possibly be a St Ives standard ware piece with the dots there. Its not Margaret Leach at Taena, as their production was all earthenware at the time and it was more of a definite cross. Its a fairly generic looking piece which the market does not place much value on nowadays.

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Small vase seen in charity shop Empty Re: Small vase seen in charity shop

Post by Rossie64 November 18th 2021, 10:17 am

Thanks Philpot. Sorry yes probably a small goblet I upended to take the photo of the mark. Only took the one photo as the shop was busy.

Female Number of posts : 4
Location : Worcester
Registration date : 2021-11-18

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Small vase seen in charity shop Empty Re: Small vase seen in charity shop

Post by denbydump November 18th 2021, 10:29 am

It's Winchcombe. I posted an almost identical one recently.

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Small vase seen in charity shop Empty Re: Small vase seen in charity shop

Post by Rossie64 November 18th 2021, 10:36 am

Thank you Denbydump.

Female Number of posts : 4
Location : Worcester
Registration date : 2021-11-18

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Small vase seen in charity shop Empty Re: Small vase seen in charity shop

Post by NaomiM November 18th 2021, 11:17 am

Don’t be shy of taking photos of pots in charity shops. I take loads Laughter

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Small vase seen in charity shop Empty Re: Small vase seen in charity shop

Post by Rossie64 November 18th 2021, 12:06 pm

I went in with some donations and saw the studio piece but it’s not the most covid secure shop due to it being narrow and people with pushchairs trying to squash past! Hence my haste to remove myself!

Female Number of posts : 4
Location : Worcester
Registration date : 2021-11-18

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