Lustre ware by John Green, Nelson, New Zealand

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Lustre ware by John Green, Nelson, New Zealand  Empty Lustre ware by John Green, Nelson, New Zealand

Post by NaomiM November 9th 2021, 4:53 pm

Lustre ware bowl by John Green and another which appears to have his initials.
John Green was a self taught potter based in Nelson, NZ, who used lustre glazes from the late 70s-80s before concentrating on figural pieces

Lustre ware by John Green, Nelson, New Zealand  B921be10

Lustre ware by John Green, Nelson, New Zealand  8014f110

Lustre ware by John Green, Nelson, New Zealand  83688b10

Lustre ware by John Green, Nelson, New Zealand  Ee7be610

Lustre ware by John Green, Nelson, New Zealand  99e0b310

Lustre ware by John Green, Nelson, New Zealand  96e22210

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