Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental

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Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental Empty Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental

Post by TC November 9th 2021, 1:38 pm

Hi Can anyone identify this pottery bowl . looks like it could be Japanese maybe but I have no idea.

Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental Img_4913
Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental Img_4912
Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental Img_4914

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Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental Empty Re: Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental

Post by NaomiM November 9th 2021, 2:04 pm

Lovely pot but I honestly don't know. I'm wondering if it's Australian or South African. A side view would be great

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Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental Empty Re: Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental

Post by studio-pots November 9th 2021, 6:13 pm

Might be Honora French. I have had a few pieces of her work in the past. She worked in Peckham, S. E. London for 10 years or so after the Second World War. I think that she might have taught too, as I recall someone telling me years ago that she had taught them. In the 1930s she had been an assistant of Charles Vyse.

It would be good to see an image of the vase side on.

Last edited by studio-pots on November 10th 2021, 10:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental Empty Re: Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental

Post by NaomiM November 9th 2021, 6:24 pm

Looks similar but is it close enough?

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Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental Empty Re: Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental

Post by TC November 10th 2021, 10:46 am

Yes looks like it could be Honor Maida French , looks very similar but not exact .

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Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental Empty Re: Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental

Post by TC November 10th 2021, 12:22 pm

Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental Img_4923
Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental Img_4924

Number of posts : 16
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Registration date : 2020-09-13

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Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental Empty Re: Help to identify pottery bowl ? Oriental

Post by studio-pots November 10th 2021, 10:29 pm

NaomiM wrote:Looks similar but is it close enough?

I have had 2 or 3 pieces of her work and remember that she potted very little after 1955 from what her "former" student told me.

The Partridge piece looks nothing like the pieces that I have had in the past and was made well after 1955. It could have been by her but the mark on the piece here and the foot looks like the pieces that I have handled, whereas the foot and the clay body on the Partridge piece looks completely different.

I don't feel confident enough to say that it's definitely Honora French's work, having seen so little but I think it could be. I believe that her first name was Honora but can't remember why.

Can I ask where you found it, as that could give a clue?

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