Unidentified Bud Vase

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Unidentified Bud Vase Empty Unidentified Bud Vase

Post by Lestaret October 30th 2021, 10:24 am

Hello, new member here hoping to find some information on a few ceramic pieces I have. This one is a long necked bud vase with a hand painted scene around the bulb section. It is not clear/gloss glazed over and has some light texture on the surface. It has gilding around the neck and no stamps or marks that easily identify it. There is a number that has been inscribed on the base but this has not been useful so far. It is 33cm tall and 16cm in diameter.
Any information about it would be very welcome.
Unidentified Bud Vase Long_n10
Unidentified Bud Vase Long_n11
Unidentified Bud Vase Long_n12
Unidentified Bud Vase Long_n13

Number of posts : 1
Location : uk
Registration date : 2021-10-30

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Unidentified Bud Vase Empty Re: Unidentified Bud Vase

Post by NaomiM October 30th 2021, 11:39 am

I think it’s European - German or Austrian or possibly Swiss, but without a mark it’s difficult to narrow it down.

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