Please Help ID Pair Green Glazed Terracotta Pots With White Metal Mounts

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Please Help ID Pair Green Glazed Terracotta Pots With White Metal Mounts Empty Please Help ID Pair Green Glazed Terracotta Pots With White Metal Mounts

Post by Gary6563 October 29th 2021, 8:28 pm

Can anyone identify this pair of green glazed pots, they are approx 5 inches high and 5 inches across,, the green glaze has crazing all over, the metal mounts don't have any marks,, one pot has a impressed circle on the base.

Please Help ID Pair Green Glazed Terracotta Pots With White Metal Mounts 00218
Please Help ID Pair Green Glazed Terracotta Pots With White Metal Mounts 00414
Please Help ID Pair Green Glazed Terracotta Pots With White Metal Mounts 00513
Please Help ID Pair Green Glazed Terracotta Pots With White Metal Mounts 00317

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Registration date : 2020-04-03

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Please Help ID Pair Green Glazed Terracotta Pots With White Metal Mounts Empty Re: Please Help ID Pair Green Glazed Terracotta Pots With White Metal Mounts

Post by studio-pots October 30th 2021, 12:18 am

I have always assumed that such things were from the Middle East but to be honest I have never given them much attention.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Please Help ID Pair Green Glazed Terracotta Pots With White Metal Mounts Empty Re: Please Help ID Pair Green Glazed Terracotta Pots With White Metal Mounts

Post by NaomiM October 30th 2021, 2:24 am

Either Middle East or India/Tibet area, imo

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Please Help ID Pair Green Glazed Terracotta Pots With White Metal Mounts Empty Re: Please Help ID Pair Green Glazed Terracotta Pots With White Metal Mounts

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