Interesting little stoneware footed bowl for ID.

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Interesting little stoneware footed bowl for ID. Empty Interesting little stoneware footed bowl for ID.

Post by abstract*toad October 25th 2021, 3:50 pm

A stoneware form on a coiled base.
Incised mark which I cannot make head nor tail of.
Any help with ID appreciated.

Interesting little stoneware footed bowl for ID. Img_2517
Interesting little stoneware footed bowl for ID. Img_2516
Interesting little stoneware footed bowl for ID. Img_2515

Number of posts : 704
Location : England
Registration date : 2021-04-23

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Interesting little stoneware footed bowl for ID. Empty Re: Interesting little stoneware footed bowl for ID.

Post by NaomiM October 25th 2021, 3:55 pm

Very nice. Unfortunately the camera has focused on the table rather than the signature

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Interesting little stoneware footed bowl for ID. Empty Re: Interesting little stoneware footed bowl for ID.

Post by abstract*toad October 25th 2021, 4:00 pm

Nothing new there then 😁
I'm struggling to get a better piccy, the mark is so feint. I'll give it another go later 👍

Number of posts : 704
Location : England
Registration date : 2021-04-23

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Interesting little stoneware footed bowl for ID. Empty Re: Interesting little stoneware footed bowl for ID.

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