Speckled Egg Bud Vase - Can't identify signature - French?

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Speckled Egg Bud Vase - Can't identify signature - French?  Empty Speckled Egg Bud Vase - Can't identify signature - French?

Post by hazeld33 October 18th 2021, 7:52 pm


I have a beautifully made bud vase with a speckled egg finish but for the life of me I can't make out the signature - if anyone has any knowledge please?

Speckled Egg Bud Vase - Can't identify signature - French?  Img_2012

Speckled Egg Bud Vase - Can't identify signature - French?  Img_2010

Speckled Egg Bud Vase - Can't identify signature - French?  Img_2011

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Location : Christchurch, Cambridgeshire
Registration date : 2021-08-31

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Speckled Egg Bud Vase - Can't identify signature - French?  Empty Re: Speckled Egg Bud Vase - Can't identify signature - French?

Post by NaomiM October 18th 2021, 8:00 pm

I think it must be French. I'm afraid I cant read it either.

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