Small studio vase with paua shell decoration

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Small studio vase with paua shell decoration  Empty Small studio vase with paua shell decoration

Post by benwilliams September 20th 2021, 9:02 pm

Small studio vase with paua shell decoration
Very odd
Sort of looks like a Raku fired pot but I’m not quite sure, kind of burnished look.
And has a resin bit on top with paua shell.
Impressed marK.
Presumably a tourist gift thing from New Zealand or somewhere.
Just an odd thing so wondered if anyone else had come across one - before it goes off to a new home.
Small studio vase with paua shell decoration  20410f10
Small studio vase with paua shell decoration  Fbe3bd10
Small studio vase with paua shell decoration  4afe1310

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Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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