Is this bowls potter or history known to anyone please

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Is this bowls potter or history known to anyone please  Empty Is this bowls potter or history known to anyone please

Post by hadfield September 20th 2021, 7:30 pm

I have a 8" wide by 4" tall bowl that has lots of small bumps in it under the glaze.

cannot find any mark but could be one hiding somewhere

Is it tenmoku glaze?

Any idea of the date range or potter?

Is this bowls potter or history known to anyone please  Temuko10
Is this bowls potter or history known to anyone please  Temuko11
Is this bowls potter or history known to anyone please  Temuko12


Male Number of posts : 106
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Is this bowls potter or history known to anyone please  Empty Re: Is this bowls potter or history known to anyone please

Post by NaomiM September 20th 2021, 7:43 pm

The bumps appear to be either bubbles in the glaze, or grogg in the clay, or a combination of both. Possibly a brown ash glaze that the potter has made themselves. Different wood and plant ashes gives different coloured glazes, which some potters like playing with. Possibly a test piece.

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