Identification Help Please. Signed Cache Pot / Vase

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Identification Help Please. Signed Cache Pot / Vase  Empty Identification Help Please. Signed Cache Pot / Vase

Post by SeamusDubhlain September 9th 2021, 2:05 am

Hi. I hope that someone can identify the potter for this fully glazed pot that is about 10.5" Tall. It is signed on the side, but I have not been able to discover the potter. TYIA.Identification Help Please. Signed Cache Pot / Vase  P1450211
Identification Help Please. Signed Cache Pot / Vase  P1450212
Identification Help Please. Signed Cache Pot / Vase  P1450210

Number of posts : 38
Location : Albuquerque, NM
Registration date : 2021-03-23

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