Studio pottery vase ID. Tim Farmer??

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Studio pottery vase ID. Tim Farmer?? Empty Studio pottery vase ID. Tim Farmer??

Post by CD151 September 6th 2021, 3:07 pm

Can anyone help ID this vase. The mark looks like Tim Farmer but not sure. Thanks.

Studio pottery vase ID. Tim Farmer?? 20210910
Studio pottery vase ID. Tim Farmer?? 20210911

Number of posts : 88
Location : Oxfordshire
Registration date : 2020-04-06

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Studio pottery vase ID. Tim Farmer?? Empty Re: Studio pottery vase ID. Tim Farmer??

Post by NaomiM September 6th 2021, 5:17 pm

It's not his mark in the book. I had a similar mark attributed to him but I've decided it's unlikely to be his because the clay was wrong. Most of his stuff is traditional utilitarian pottery.

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