Finely Potted Earthenware Bowl with Celadon Glaze & Incised Signature

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Finely Potted Earthenware Bowl with Celadon Glaze & Incised Signature Empty Finely Potted Earthenware Bowl with Celadon Glaze & Incised Signature

Post by RoyJ99 August 6th 2021, 4:47 pm

Came acorss this very finely potted bowl today with a lovely celadon type glaze and an incised signature to the base, not sure how it reads and having scrolled through all the incised marks on the BISPM website I can't see a match. Wondering if anyone recognises the signature?

Finely Potted Earthenware Bowl with Celadon Glaze & Incised Signature Dscf9110

Finely Potted Earthenware Bowl with Celadon Glaze & Incised Signature Dscf9111

Finely Potted Earthenware Bowl with Celadon Glaze & Incised Signature Dscf9112

Finely Potted Earthenware Bowl with Celadon Glaze & Incised Signature Dscf9113

Finely Potted Earthenware Bowl with Celadon Glaze & Incised Signature Dscf9114

Number of posts : 352
Location : Edinburgh
Registration date : 2013-06-12

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Finely Potted Earthenware Bowl with Celadon Glaze & Incised Signature Empty Re: Finely Potted Earthenware Bowl with Celadon Glaze & Incised Signature

Post by denbydump August 6th 2021, 5:10 pm

Looks like Heele 86. or maybe J Heele 86.

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Location : Derbyshire
Registration date : 2014-06-01

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Finely Potted Earthenware Bowl with Celadon Glaze & Incised Signature Empty Re: Finely Potted Earthenware Bowl with Celadon Glaze & Incised Signature

Post by RoyJ99 August 6th 2021, 6:27 pm

That's how I read it as well Denby but the only Heele I can find any reference to being a potter is a French artist Marianne Heele and assuming that the 86 is a date it completely rules her out.

Number of posts : 352
Location : Edinburgh
Registration date : 2013-06-12

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