Chinese or European blue & white porcelain vases?

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Chinese or European blue & white porcelain vases? Empty Chinese or European blue & white porcelain vases?

Post by silverbug July 30th 2021, 10:14 am

I’ve just bought a pair of hexagonal porcelain blue & white vases and am stumped about their origins.
Fairly sure they are transfer printed (so possibly of no great age?) because of a few imperfections in the pattern, the glaze has a blue tinge to it too.
What has confused me are the numbers 15/4 stamped into both bases , which just looks German/European to me?
Anyone any idea where they’re from?
A search on Google didn’t bring up anything remotely similar.
Thanks!Chinese or European blue & white porcelain vases? B9514910
Chinese or European blue & white porcelain vases? 913ae810
Chinese or European blue & white porcelain vases? E1696310


Number of posts : 102
Location : South Wales
Registration date : 2015-02-17

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Chinese or European blue & white porcelain vases? Empty Re: Chinese or European blue & white porcelain vases?

Post by NaomiM July 30th 2021, 11:30 am

The figures don’t look oriental. I wonder if they are modern Dutch Shrugs

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Chinese or European blue & white porcelain vases? Empty Re: Chinese or European blue & white porcelain vases?

Post by silverbug July 30th 2021, 11:46 am

Thanks, that had occurred to me too, unless the figures are meant to denote Europeans Laughter.
I did search for Delft too as I know there were lots of firms in Germany/Holland producing high quality porcelain in years gone by , but again didn’t find anything.
A bit surprised TBH that I’ve found so little ……

Number of posts : 102
Location : South Wales
Registration date : 2015-02-17

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Chinese or European blue & white porcelain vases? Empty Re: Chinese or European blue & white porcelain vases?

Post by kyliesss July 30th 2021, 3:25 pm

A company called Royal Mosa made Delft chinoiserie art deco pairs of vases, including some hexagonal models, so maybe have a look at that on Google? I personally think the figures are meant to be Chinese (holding a fan, flowing robes, facial features), but drawn by someone who isn't particularly familiar with the aesthetic - not uncommon with chinoiserie in my (limited) experience. There's something Art Deco-ish about them, I think the shading in the planes of the picture. Very decorative!

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Chinese or European blue & white porcelain vases? Empty Re: Chinese or European blue & white porcelain vases?

Post by silverbug July 30th 2021, 4:29 pm

Thanks for the info kyliesss!
I’ve just checked Royal Mosa on Google and sure enough , have found some pieces similar , although they had a blue underglaze mark whilst these have none…
The decoration on the Royal Mosa pieces that I found also appeared to be transfer printed (again slight gaps in the pattern where the pattern didn’t transfer to the clay body completely) so it does make me wonder if these are Royal Mosa or something very similar.
They are a really handsome pair of vases in a decent size (just over 12 inches tall) and they just shouted at me when I saw them on a table at a car boot sale recently 😊.
Am very glad I made the purchase now!
Thanks again.

Number of posts : 102
Location : South Wales
Registration date : 2015-02-17

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Chinese or European blue & white porcelain vases? Empty Re: Chinese or European blue & white porcelain vases?

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