TED (EDWARD) HUGHES, Burford House Pottery, Shropshire

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TED (EDWARD) HUGHES, Burford House Pottery, Shropshire  Empty TED (EDWARD) HUGHES, Burford House Pottery, Shropshire

Post by CharlieC July 29th 2021, 1:32 pm

If someone could please clarify... Ted Hughes (Burford House Pottery) is not the eminent Edward Hughes studio potter (1953 - 2006) from Wallasey, who studied in Japan? Are they two different people? Thanks

TED (EDWARD) HUGHES, Burford House Pottery, Shropshire  Img_3610
TED (EDWARD) HUGHES, Burford House Pottery, Shropshire  Img_3611

Number of posts : 509
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2016-05-04

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TED (EDWARD) HUGHES, Burford House Pottery, Shropshire  Empty Re: TED (EDWARD) HUGHES, Burford House Pottery, Shropshire

Post by NaomiM July 29th 2021, 3:57 pm

You're right; they are 2 different people. Sadly for Edward (Ted) Hughes of Burford House Pottery he doesn't get a mention in the marks book. He was potting at Burford House Pottery, Tenbury Wells, Shropshire/Worcs from the 1960s.

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Female Number of posts : 32733
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Registration date : 2012-05-15


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TED (EDWARD) HUGHES, Burford House Pottery, Shropshire  Empty Re: TED (EDWARD) HUGHES, Burford House Pottery, Shropshire

Post by CharlieC July 29th 2021, 4:35 pm

Thanks Naomi.

Number of posts : 509
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2016-05-04

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TED (EDWARD) HUGHES, Burford House Pottery, Shropshire  Empty Re: TED (EDWARD) HUGHES, Burford House Pottery, Shropshire

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