Can anyone identify this lovely green glazed bowl, PS mark

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Can anyone identify this lovely green glazed bowl, PS mark Empty Can anyone identify this lovely green glazed bowl, PS mark

Post by rousky July 20th 2021, 6:14 pm

Please can anyone help identify this lovely bowl.
It has a lovely glaze inside kind of volcanic I think but that my guess
It’s about 20’cm diameter
Any help would be great
Rousky Can anyone identify this lovely green glazed bowl, PS mark 4e046810
Can anyone identify this lovely green glazed bowl, PS mark B908a710
Can anyone identify this lovely green glazed bowl, PS mark 495c7410
Can anyone identify this lovely green glazed bowl, PS mark Ea61cc10
Can anyone identify this lovely green glazed bowl, PS mark C61b1110
Can anyone identify this lovely green glazed bowl, PS mark B4488e10

Male Number of posts : 46
Age : 58
Location : Worcester
Registration date : 2015-09-01

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