Possible Val St. Lambert large vase?

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Possible Val St. Lambert large vase? Empty Possible Val St. Lambert large vase?

Post by TColls July 13th 2021, 9:41 pm

Possible Val St. Lambert large vase? Thumbn13
Possible Val St. Lambert large vase? Thumbn14
Possible Val St. Lambert large vase? Thumbn15

My husband came home from a yard sale many years ago with this very large, very heavy vase because he thought it was Diamond Point Ruby or King's Crown, and liked the color very much. After YEARS of trying to figure out what it was, and having no luck matching it to any listings in our American glassware catalogs, I submitted this vase to an online FB group for help with identification and was given the name Val St. Lambert as a possible maker. A quick Google search yielded a matching vase, though the source was a bit suspect (an old eBay listing).

10" tall
top circumference is ~9.25"
base circumference is ~ 7"

Base is footed, bottom has cut 16-point starburst pattern; glass (or crystal?) has cranberry coloring on outside that is cut to reveal clear oval patterns at top and at base. The mid-section of vase is patterned in crystal points, similar to Anchor Hocking Wexford pattern, or Miss America glassware pattern. This vase is a really heavy, substantial piece. I am not sure how to tell the difference between glass and crystal, especially when it is this thick.

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Possible Val St. Lambert large vase? Empty Re: Possible Val St. Lambert large vase?

Post by denbydump July 13th 2021, 10:06 pm

A nice piece, the cut-back flashed red suggests Bohemian to me.

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Possible Val St. Lambert large vase? Empty Re: Possible Val St. Lambert large vase?

Post by APEX-Antiques September 18th 2021, 8:14 am

Likewise, I would have thought late 19th to early 20th Century Bohemian.
If you have a good look at images of Val St Lambert's Flashed, cut to clear glass, their "Ruby" is much more of a pinkish/cranberry than the red hot ruby seen in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

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