Paul Dalrymple, Northern Ireland

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Paul Dalrymple, Northern Ireland   Empty Paul Dalrymple, Northern Ireland

Post by NaomiM July 8th 2021, 9:03 pm

Paul uses shingle collected on beaches in County Antrim in his work.

Paul Dalrymple, Northern Ireland   8512de10

Paul Dalrymple, Northern Ireland   Ee814210

Paul Dalrymple, Northern Ireland   C29a2710

Paul Dalrymple, Northern Ireland   02230d10

Paul Dalrymple, Northern Ireland   7f308210

Paul Dalrymple, Northern Ireland   24ecfd10 Paul Dalrymple, Northern Ireland   F6079b10 Paul Dalrymple, Northern Ireland   02952f10 Paul Dalrymple, Northern Ireland   Ca0c2310

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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