Crudely Painted Vase JM mark? X?

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Crudely Painted Vase JM mark? X? Empty Crudely Painted Vase JM mark? X?

Post by Magentarae June 29th 2021, 8:42 pm

I've tried the blue tack trick and I'm pretty sure there is a J and M in that squiggle. I've had a google to no avail. I'm not sure if there's a stamp going on in the centre. Any help always gratefully received, I'm learning so much from this Forum. 

Crudely Painted Vase JM mark? X? J_m_ma10
Crudely Painted Vase JM mark? X? Jmmark10
Crudely Painted Vase JM mark? X? Jmmark11

Number of posts : 62
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Registration date : 2021-05-19

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Crudely Painted Vase JM mark? X? Empty Re: Crudely Painted Vase JM mark? X?

Post by NaomiM June 30th 2021, 1:52 am

I think it's JM but not a mark I've come across before.

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Crudely Painted Vase JM mark? X? Empty Re: Crudely Painted Vase JM mark? X?

Post by Magentarae June 30th 2021, 12:39 pm

Thanks Naomi, much appreciated x

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Crudely Painted Vase JM mark? X? Empty Re: Crudely Painted Vase JM mark? X?

Post by studio-pots June 30th 2021, 4:48 pm

It looks to me to be 1950s or earlier from the images.

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Crudely Painted Vase JM mark? X? Empty Re: Crudely Painted Vase JM mark? X?

Post by tenpot July 3rd 2021, 12:03 pm

the painting is highly skilled

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Crudely Painted Vase JM mark? X? Empty Re: Crudely Painted Vase JM mark? X?

Post by Magentarae July 3rd 2021, 12:06 pm

Perceptions are always subjective. I'm learning daily and loving it!

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Crudely Painted Vase JM mark? X? Empty Re: Crudely Painted Vase JM mark? X?

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