Gill Hingston, with David Carew etc - Rashleigh Pottery, Cornwall

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Gill Hingston, with David Carew etc - Rashleigh Pottery, Cornwall  Empty Gill Hingston, with David Carew etc - Rashleigh Pottery, Cornwall

Post by NaomiM June 16th 2021, 1:03 pm

Rashleigh Pottery, Charlestown, St Austell, Cornwall. Several potters employed or trained there, including Gill Hingston and David Carew. Not sure if Gill Hingston set it up. I think it started in the 70s.

Gill Hingston, with David Carew etc - Rashleigh Pottery, Cornwall  Gill_h10
Gill Hingston, with David Carew etc - Rashleigh Pottery, Cornwall  Rashle10
Gill Hingston, with David Carew etc - Rashleigh Pottery, Cornwall  Rashle11
Gill Hingston, with David Carew etc - Rashleigh Pottery, Cornwall  Rashle12

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