Identification and Evaluation, Belgian A.M.C art deco, F-43 mark

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Identification and Evaluation, Belgian A.M.C art deco, F-43 mark Empty Identification and Evaluation, Belgian A.M.C art deco, F-43 mark

Post by Effiom Mon May 31, 2021 7:23 am

Hello Everyone,

Please could someone help me to identify this gorgeous pottery?
Thank you in advance!

Identification and Evaluation, Belgian A.M.C art deco, F-43 mark Img_2033
Identification and Evaluation, Belgian A.M.C art deco, F-43 mark Img_2034
Identification and Evaluation, Belgian A.M.C art deco, F-43 mark Img_2035
Identification and Evaluation, Belgian A.M.C art deco, F-43 mark Img_2036
Identification and Evaluation, Belgian A.M.C art deco, F-43 mark Img_2037

Number of posts : 11
Age : 64
Location : Wemmel, Belgium
Registration date : 2021-05-23

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Identification and Evaluation, Belgian A.M.C art deco, F-43 mark Empty Re: Identification and Evaluation, Belgian A.M.C art deco, F-43 mark

Post by janetpjohn Mon May 31, 2021 10:06 am

I think it's Belgian, but this is not exactly a reference:

Number of posts : 295
Location : Louisiana
Registration date : 2015-03-17

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