Carafe with Jute Rope Neck, Wood/Cork Stopper and Etched Circle

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Carafe with Jute Rope Neck, Wood/Cork Stopper and Etched Circle  Empty Carafe with Jute Rope Neck, Wood/Cork Stopper and Etched Circle

Post by maxwellpark May 28th 2021, 12:20 am

Interesting glass carafe (12.5" tall) with a neck wrapped in jute/rope and a wooden stopper that has a cork neck and a small etched circle design (3/4" diameter).

Carafe with Jute Rope Neck, Wood/Cork Stopper and Etched Circle  FH1PkkX
Carafe with Jute Rope Neck, Wood/Cork Stopper and Etched Circle  Q9kh7s9
Carafe with Jute Rope Neck, Wood/Cork Stopper and Etched Circle  Nmggh4O
Carafe with Jute Rope Neck, Wood/Cork Stopper and Etched Circle  Q4NNiGy
Carafe with Jute Rope Neck, Wood/Cork Stopper and Etched Circle  AUglTrv

Number of posts : 106
Location : Oakland
Registration date : 2020-06-12

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