Help with ID! Ceramic vase marked RG or RC '63

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Help with ID! Ceramic vase marked RG or RC '63 Empty Help with ID! Ceramic vase marked RG or RC '63

Post by Magentarae May 23rd 2021, 3:58 pm

Vase is small at 14cm approx and 11cm wide. Any help working out where she was born gratefully received.Help with ID! Ceramic vase marked RG or RC '63 Vase_111
Help with ID! Ceramic vase marked RG or RC '63 Vase211
Help with ID! Ceramic vase marked RG or RC '63 Vase311

Number of posts : 62
Location : Uk
Registration date : 2021-05-19

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Help with ID! Ceramic vase marked RG or RC '63 Empty Re: Help with ID! Ceramic vase marked RG or RC '63

Post by NaomiM May 23rd 2021, 4:52 pm

I'm afraid it has all the hallmarks of being a student piece

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32750
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Help with ID! Ceramic vase marked RG or RC '63 Empty Re: Help with ID! Ceramic vase marked RG or RC '63

Post by Magentarae May 23rd 2021, 4:57 pm

Thank you, i'm still learning as i buy. I like it very much, and it was inexpensive, and it's bringing me joy. Just wish i knew whose work i was enjoying even if they never became a renowned artist.

Number of posts : 62
Location : Uk
Registration date : 2021-05-19

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Help with ID! Ceramic vase marked RG or RC '63 Empty Re: Help with ID! Ceramic vase marked RG or RC '63

Post by NaomiM May 23rd 2021, 5:35 pm

Buying just because you like it is the best thing. We all have a few student pieces because of that. :)

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32750
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Help with ID! Ceramic vase marked RG or RC '63 Empty Re: Help with ID! Ceramic vase marked RG or RC '63

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