Unmarked bottle vase with tenmoku glaze. Trevor Corser?
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Unmarked bottle vase with tenmoku glaze. Trevor Corser?
Looking for some assistance in a positive id for the following recent acquisition from an online auction, the bottle vase has no marks but looks very similar to the work of the late Trevor Corser?
The vase is quite weighty, has a tenmoku or dark treacle glaze with incised decoration around the shoulder, the base has not been turned out but left with the cheese wire marks from removal from the wheel. The seller is based in devon so not too much of a stones throw from the leach pottery where Trevor worked for many years.
Your thoughts welcomed!
The vase is quite weighty, has a tenmoku or dark treacle glaze with incised decoration around the shoulder, the base has not been turned out but left with the cheese wire marks from removal from the wheel. The seller is based in devon so not too much of a stones throw from the leach pottery where Trevor worked for many years.
Your thoughts welcomed!
Matthew Green- Number of posts : 5
Location : Stourbridge
Registration date : 2020-10-21
Re: Unmarked bottle vase with tenmoku glaze. Trevor Corser?
The marks may be glazed over, like on my 2 pots, very hard to see.
Re: Unmarked bottle vase with tenmoku glaze. Trevor Corser?
I've not seen a pot by Trevor Corser that wasn't stamped.
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: Unmarked bottle vase with tenmoku glaze. Trevor Corser?
Most of Devon would be at least 60-70 miles from St Ives. Exeter and the South Hams nearly 100 miles. Equally when Trevor Corser was working there the Leach St Ives pottery was not a destination place. It had lost the cachet when Bernard died. Many Leach style potters worked in Devon. David Leach and his sons at Bovey Tracey, Michael Leach at Yelland North Devon for starters.
Weight is not necessarily a good sign. The best potters use as little clay as needed. It all costs money! The decoration and glaze are generic of a piece in the Leach/ Cardew tradition. That covers a lot of potters, both professional and amateur.
Weight is not necessarily a good sign. The best potters use as little clay as needed. It all costs money! The decoration and glaze are generic of a piece in the Leach/ Cardew tradition. That covers a lot of potters, both professional and amateur.
philpot- Number of posts : 6778
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06
Re: Unmarked bottle vase with tenmoku glaze. Trevor Corser?
Thank you for all the replies, very helpful and much appreciated!
For any admirers of trevors work there is a fascinating collection of interviews with Trevor discussing his early life and work at the leach pottery on YouTube, gives a whole new insight into his pots!
For any admirers of trevors work there is a fascinating collection of interviews with Trevor discussing his early life and work at the leach pottery on YouTube, gives a whole new insight into his pots!
Matthew Green- Number of posts : 5
Location : Stourbridge
Registration date : 2020-10-21
Re: Unmarked bottle vase with tenmoku glaze. Trevor Corser?
The base is not correct compared to all of Trevor's work that I have seen. His has a foot ring at the edge and glazed inside.
Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!
Re: Unmarked bottle vase with tenmoku glaze. Trevor Corser?
studio-pots wrote:The base is not correct compared to all of Trevor's work that I have seen. His has a foot ring at the edge and glazed inside.
Thank you for the reply,
After searching for more of trevors work on the net his pots do tend to have the foot ring as you say, l guess that clinches it!
The search continues!
Matthew Green- Number of posts : 5
Location : Stourbridge
Registration date : 2020-10-21
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