Large Somersso Cylinder Vase Dark Red/Clear Polished Pontil

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Large Somersso Cylinder Vase Dark Red/Clear Polished Pontil Empty Large Somersso Cylinder Vase Dark Red/Clear Polished Pontil

Post by LEGSY May 18th 2021, 4:12 pm

Large heavy vase 9 3/4" x 4 3/4" very heavy and big piece, Base has considerable wear from age
and lots of moving the base shot brought out a green coloring when i photographed it not to sure
why that happened though. The vase reminds me of Murano but with it being two color i am not
to sure any ideas thanks for looking :)
Large Somersso Cylinder Vase Dark Red/Clear Polished Pontil P1010345
Large Somersso Cylinder Vase Dark Red/Clear Polished Pontil P1010344
Large Somersso Cylinder Vase Dark Red/Clear Polished Pontil P1010343

Male Number of posts : 338
Age : 48
Location : Wales
Registration date : 2017-02-19

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Large Somersso Cylinder Vase Dark Red/Clear Polished Pontil Empty Re: Large Somersso Cylinder Vase Dark Red/Clear Polished Pontil

Post by LEGSY May 18th 2021, 4:13 pm

Large Somersso Cylinder Vase Dark Red/Clear Polished Pontil P1010346
Large Somersso Cylinder Vase Dark Red/Clear Polished Pontil P1010347

Male Number of posts : 338
Age : 48
Location : Wales
Registration date : 2017-02-19

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