Kaj Franck Kartio Carafe for Iittala

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Kaj Franck Kartio Carafe for Iittala  Empty Kaj Franck Kartio Carafe for Iittala

Post by maxwellpark May 6th 2021, 2:35 am

Got this carafe which I thought was the Kartio carafe by Kaj Franck but all the online sources say the Kartio carafe is 8 3/4" tall and this one I have is 9.5" tall. Does anyone know if Iitala or Nuutajarvi made this design in different heights? If it's not a Kaj Franck design I wonder who made it. It looks identical to the Kartio.
Kaj Franck Kartio Carafe for Iittala  CcB06GZ

Number of posts : 106
Location : Oakland
Registration date : 2020-06-12

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Kaj Franck Kartio Carafe for Iittala  Empty Re: Kaj Franck Kartio Carafe for Iittala

Post by Qnssekr August 18th 2023, 2:12 am

I have the same carafe and wonder who might have produced it. This lip is different also. The one we have is not as sharp as the one the 8 1/2” one. Maybe someone on Design Addict may know?

Male Number of posts : 63
Location : NYC
Registration date : 2015-05-06

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