Unmarked lidded pot: Winchcombe or Friars Pottery Aylesford?

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Unmarked lidded pot: Winchcombe or Friars Pottery Aylesford?  Empty Unmarked lidded pot: Winchcombe or Friars Pottery Aylesford?

Post by HelenC May 3rd 2021, 4:58 pm

Hi, does anyone know if Winchcombe produce unmarked pottery? I’ve picked up this small jar (10cm high) which has an identical glaze to one of my Winchcombe jugs and the clay body looks pretty similar, but there’s absolutely no mark. Can it be Winchcombe or is it coincidence?

Unmarked lidded pot: Winchcombe or Friars Pottery Aylesford?  D4ab0610
Unmarked lidded pot: Winchcombe or Friars Pottery Aylesford?  F9d38b10

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Location : Warwickshire
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Unmarked lidded pot: Winchcombe or Friars Pottery Aylesford?  Empty Re: Unmarked lidded pot: Winchcombe or Friars Pottery Aylesford?

Post by philpot May 3rd 2021, 5:04 pm

It certainly looks very Winchcombe. It might just be that they just forgot to put a mark on this piece. It happens, we are all human. It might well have been sold as a second.

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Unmarked lidded pot: Winchcombe or Friars Pottery Aylesford?  Empty Re: Unmarked lidded pot: Winchcombe or Friars Pottery Aylesford?

Post by HelenC May 3rd 2021, 5:08 pm

Thank you, that’s good to know! Winchcombe is one of the few potteries I’m not to bad at identifying first time so I’m glad there’s a chance I’m right here too.

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Location : Warwickshire
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Unmarked lidded pot: Winchcombe or Friars Pottery Aylesford?  Empty Re: Unmarked lidded pot: Winchcombe or Friars Pottery Aylesford?

Post by NaomiM May 3rd 2021, 6:04 pm

With that colour glaze and base, my money's on The Friars Pottery Aylesford

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Unmarked lidded pot: Winchcombe or Friars Pottery Aylesford?  Empty Re: Unmarked lidded pot: Winchcombe or Friars Pottery Aylesford?

Post by HelenC May 3rd 2021, 7:53 pm

Could be - the glazes certainly match. However, I’ve found this in Winchcombes standard range which is the same size so I think Winchcombe is likely, although I think mine isn’t recent:-Unmarked lidded pot: Winchcombe or Friars Pottery Aylesford?  4038df10

Number of posts : 282
Location : Warwickshire
Registration date : 2021-01-29

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Unmarked lidded pot: Winchcombe or Friars Pottery Aylesford?  Empty Re: Unmarked lidded pot: Winchcombe or Friars Pottery Aylesford?

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