Mini Vase Dutch? Terra Rotterdam? Amsterdam? Impressed LH.

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Mini Vase Dutch? Terra Rotterdam? Amsterdam? Impressed LH. Empty Mini Vase Dutch? Terra Rotterdam? Amsterdam? Impressed LH.

Post by Polseven Thu Apr 29, 2021 10:36 am

I know nothing about Dutch pottery so any help with makers would be a big help.
Terracotta body with mottled green and black glaze.
Can make out impressed TERRA. ????ERDAM & LH on base as well as other words I can not make out.

Mini Vase Dutch? Terra Rotterdam? Amsterdam? Impressed LH. Img_2023

Mini Vase Dutch? Terra Rotterdam? Amsterdam? Impressed LH. Img_2024

Number of posts : 11
Location : Hastings, uk
Registration date : 2021-04-19

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