Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.

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Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.  Empty Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.

Post by Silver Pete April 22nd 2021, 8:28 pm

I got this on the local flea market this morning. It stands just over 7 1/4" (185mm) high. Dark brown glaze, handle made separately and applied. No marks but may be typical of somebody's work. Is it British? It looks more like  eastern/oriental. Who made it? Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.  P1120810
Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.  P1120812
Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.  P1120811
Thanks for your help.Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.  P1120813
Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.  P1120814
Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.  P1120815

Last edited by Silver Pete on April 22nd 2021, 8:30 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : more pics)
Silver Pete
Silver Pete

Male Number of posts : 185
Location : Chesterfield UK
Registration date : 2021-03-18

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Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.  Empty Re: Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.

Post by studio-pots April 23rd 2021, 2:01 pm

It's European I would imagine and from a pottery rather than a piece by a single maker.

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Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.  Empty Re: Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.

Post by olipayton April 23rd 2021, 7:15 pm

Maybe a hot chocolate pourer.

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Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.  Empty Re: Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.

Post by Silver Pete April 24th 2021, 6:15 am

It was obviously made for a particular purpose, and it does look rather like the silver chocolate pots of Georgian times. It would hold a fair amount of chocolate!! Happy
Silver Pete
Silver Pete

Male Number of posts : 185
Location : Chesterfield UK
Registration date : 2021-03-18

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Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.  Empty Re: Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.

Post by NaomiM April 24th 2021, 4:03 pm

Tableware from Vallauris, France, maybe

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Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.  Empty Re: Unmarked studio side handled jug, tall and bulbous shape.

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