Studio pottery signed Lyn pinecones lidded pot.

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Studio pottery signed Lyn pinecones lidded pot. Empty Studio pottery signed Lyn pinecones lidded pot.

Post by benwilliams April 22nd 2021, 3:47 pm

Got a couple of lidded pot, casserole pieces. Both thrown but with what I presume to be moulded pine cone decorations on the lids. Both signed - incised Lyn. Well made. Any ideas?
Studio pottery signed Lyn pinecones lidded pot. Ba7f1310
Studio pottery signed Lyn pinecones lidded pot. A6b30510
Studio pottery signed Lyn pinecones lidded pot. 18584710

Number of posts : 2518
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio pottery signed Lyn pinecones lidded pot. Empty Re: Studio pottery signed Lyn pinecones lidded pot.

Post by benwilliams April 23rd 2021, 5:19 am

Here’s the other one - pretty well made imo
Signature on the top this time.
Studio pottery signed Lyn pinecones lidded pot. 83dcfd10
Studio pottery signed Lyn pinecones lidded pot. C96a3c10
Studio pottery signed Lyn pinecones lidded pot. 06a92f10

Number of posts : 2518
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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