ID potter for a tiny jug? FR mark

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ID potter for a tiny jug? FR mark Empty ID potter for a tiny jug? FR mark

Post by HelenC January 29th 2021, 3:52 pm

ID potter for a tiny jug? FR mark E7cba710
ID potter for a tiny jug? FR mark F7a5e410
ID potter for a tiny jug? FR mark 05661b10

Hi, I wonder if anyone can identify this very elaborate mark on a very tiny jug! I think it’s an intertwined P and A, or maybe R?

Any suggestions appreciated.


Number of posts : 278
Location : Warwickshire
Registration date : 2021-01-29

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ID potter for a tiny jug? FR mark Empty Re: ID potter for a tiny jug? FR mark

Post by NaomiM January 29th 2021, 4:52 pm

I believe it's an entwined FR / RF.
I've come across a few pieces. They look 1970s in date. Often misattributed to Anne Rennie who has a similar Font for her AR stamp, but not her style of work, so still a mystery

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ID potter for a tiny jug? FR mark Empty Re: ID potter for a tiny jug? FR mark

Post by HelenC January 29th 2021, 5:07 pm

You’re right - it’s FR, now you say it, it’s clear! I’ll do a bit more digging now I have some definite initials to work with. Thank you!

Number of posts : 278
Location : Warwickshire
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ID potter for a tiny jug? FR mark Empty Re: ID potter for a tiny jug? FR mark

Post by studio-pots January 29th 2021, 5:59 pm

Sometimes things take years to be identified on here, so it's worth coming back........................... especially as Naomi has an encyclopedic knowledge of obscure British studio pottery marks.

P.S. She didn't pay me to write that ............. (not yet anyway).

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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ID potter for a tiny jug? FR mark Empty Re: ID potter for a tiny jug? FR mark

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