Studio stoneware bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry

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Studio stoneware  bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry Empty Studio stoneware bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry

Post by benwilliams January 27th 2021, 4:19 pm

7” bowl, speckled glaze with brown and blue decoration.
mp impressed mark - can’t see it in book.
Studio stoneware  bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry 58ae9910
Studio stoneware  bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry 8220b810
Studio stoneware  bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry 4b99b610

Number of posts : 2500
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Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio stoneware  bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry

Post by NaomiM January 27th 2021, 4:22 pm

A long term mystery. Molly Perry and Mandy Parslow have been suggested but it doesn't match their known marks. Looks like a 1970s style of pot, so likely to be an unrecorded pottery from that time

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Female Number of posts : 32456
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Studio stoneware  bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry

Post by benwilliams January 27th 2021, 4:26 pm

Thank you! MP Mystery Pot. I’m happy with that!

Number of posts : 2500
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Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio stoneware  bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry

Post by denbydump January 27th 2021, 7:23 pm

Another Mike Powers mark?

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Studio stoneware  bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry

Post by NaomiM January 27th 2021, 8:11 pm

Unfortunately not. Not his style of decoration

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32456
Location : Hampshire
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Studio stoneware  bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry

Post by chester1703 May 31st 2024, 4:03 pm

I have a coffee pot (pictured) with this mark (m p and a dot) and currently there is a Molly Perry jug on ebay with the mp mark but no dot which is identical in style of making and decoration.  The glaze has the same very characteristic light brown specks and the handle is made exactly the same. So I would say this must be a Molly Perry mark If the ebay jug is correctly identified).Studio stoneware  bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry Img_7314
Studio stoneware  bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry Img_7315
Studio stoneware  bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry Img_7313

Number of posts : 52
Location : Leicestershire
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Studio stoneware  bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry

Post by NaomiM May 31st 2024, 8:05 pm

It probably is, but unfortunately not her mark in the Marks book so we just need a bit more corroborating evidence before being certain

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32456
Location : Hampshire
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Studio stoneware  bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry

Post by chester1703 May 31st 2024, 11:30 pm

Thanks Naomi.

Number of posts : 52
Location : Leicestershire
Registration date : 2018-10-28

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Studio stoneware  bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry Empty Re: Studio stoneware bowl, mp mark - Mandy Parslow? Prob Molly Perry

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